Bees collect pollen and honey from sunflower crop
In northern part of India mainly in Haryana, Punjab grow sunflowers at the end of winter seasons. Bee keeper were interested in this crop for the bees.
Bee Keepers
should be know the all places where the nectar and pollen available in year to migrate the bee's. If you know the good place for your apiary then you need to transfer the bee's in to that place. The sunflower is grown by the farmers in the month of April every year in the northern Haryana. It is know to me that many bee keepers from the all over India specially from Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Himachal pradesh states bee keepers come on this crop to collect honey. Pollination is also helps the farmers to increase the crop in this season.
If you are a Bee Keeper then you may also join the area for your bees. If you want any help then we will suggest you to contact us for any more information during your journey to the Sunflower crop to collect the honey from.